v1.4.0 - Exit Failsafes

In this update, we've introduced new options for exiting the game without disrupting the expected behavior. For example, when attempting to close the game multiple times, you'd typically expect the game to exit gracefully. To achieve this, we've added a parameter that allows you to customize the number of attempts required before the game exits. So, if you set the maximum attempts to 2, the game will close on the second press of the close button.

Additionally, we've included an option to always quit when you're in playtest mode (playing the game through the RPG Maker Editor). This feature is turned off by default, so make sure to enable it after testing the plugin for the first time.

We appreciate your feedback and continuous support as we strive to enhance the functionality of our Exit Control plugin. Stay tuned for more updates and improvements in future releases! Happy game making!


LTN_ExitControl.js 12 kB
Version v1.4.0 Aug 13, 2024
LTN_ExitControl_MV.js 11 kB
Version v1.4.0 Aug 13, 2024

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